10 Useful Safety Apps for Women
In Resources, Technology
Women’s safety is one of the major concerns in the country. Rapes, molestation, eve teasing and kidnapping are heinous crimes that are carried out against women even in the broad day light. Because of the increasing crime rate against women, women are scared to step out of
7 Best 3GP Video Converters to Convert Your Videos Instantly
Many people these days use cell phone for watching videos in good quality; 3gp is a very popular file format which is very much compressed in size. 3gp is known as Third Generation Party Project, this file format is used mostly on all 3g devices but it
13 Best Data Recovery Software that are Free
A digital camera, a computer or any other mobile devices, memory card is inevitable in all of these. But when you lose the data, what you do? Here is what you need to know. An SD card is very useful in our day to day life. But
How to Launch Your Default Apps With Simple Commands in Ubuntu
In How To, Linux, Technology
The reliability of Linux operating systems is much higher as compare to windows from many aspects whether it is about the security or system crash. That is the reason why most of the developers prefer Linux over any other OS. Ubuntu is a debian based operating system
How to Run Android Apps on macOS
In How To, Mac, Technology
Currently android is the leading operating system in Smartphone industry because it is open source, so anyone having little programming knowledge can develop its applications. The number of android mobile applications is much higher as compare to any other platform. Applications offered by android are very useful
8 Tools to Boost Productivity of Content Creators
In Resources, Technology
To have good content on your website it is very important with the rising of the online marketing. It has become very necessary to have some good and creative contents in your online portals and online magazines. Without which the online contents fades away and makes it
11 Best Alternate Web Browsers for Windows
In Resources, Technology, Windows
The internet which we use is through web browsers. But many times while using the web browser we don’t get a second thought about the various features of the web browsers. The most common form of web browsers which we use in the windows is Google chrome,
How to Turn on Instagram’s Two-Factor Authentication
In How To, Technology
An average internet user spend most of his/her time on various social media websites for interaction with people, and applications like Instagram and Whatsapp are some popular names in this category. Generally an id and password requirement is essential to protect your account but this security is not enough
How to Hide the Pesky Windows Defender Icon in the System Tray
In How To, Technology, Windows
Windows operating system is helping people in simplifying their work since its first version was launched and it is adopting advancement day by day. The latest edition provided by Microsoft as windows 10 is very special from many aspects such as its security features, user interface and
10 Best Tools to Convert HTML to PDF Files
In Resources, Technology
HTML is the common language that is used for creating WebPages. Most of the information that is displayed by the web browser is created using HTML. As per the principles followed by HTML, the concentration is more on the information structure and less on the appearance. This