10 Linux Markdown Editors You Should Try
In Linux, Resources, Technology
Web development is evolving to a large scale so latest tools are coming to existence that can help to simplify the task of developer. A developer needs to remain always up to date with latest techniques that enable them to work effectively. The task of development is
How to Easily Transfer All Your Data to a New Android Device
In How To, Technology
Android has become one of the widely used operating system among all mobile platforms because nobody else can provide you this level of advanced features at affordable price. As being an existing android user, the problem starts occurring when you plan for switching to an upgraded version
How to Increase Windows 10 Performance and Make It Feel Faster
In How To, Technology, Windows
The windows operating system of Microsoft has the latest version in market which is known as windows 10. It has many advanced features that you never experienced in any of the previous edition. To make it run fluently, you need to have knowledge of some tips and
How To Open Recently Quit Apps On Mac OS
After the name of windows, the second most used operating system for laptops and computers is Mac. It is specially designed to run all the computers that are manufactured by Apple Company. You can use it exactly like windows but the functionalities have a bit difference. In
5 Apps and Tools to Organize Your Job Search
In Resources, Technology
Searching a perfect job according to your preference and qualification has become a very tough task in this era of competition. Getting a suitable job is not easy and never expects that you will succeed in just one attempt. On the basis of interest, people keep on
How to Create Restricted Guest Accounts in Windows 10 [Easy Ways]
In How To, Technology, Windows
As being a frequent user of computer systems, you must be familiar to the name of windows operating system and its functionalities. You can create and store a large amount of information in it so the security must be the first preference. If you have a PC
5 Ways to Sync Music to Your iPhone without iTunes
In How To, Technology
The ios operating system of Apple Company is considered as one of the robust platforms for mobile devices. There are lots of security measures set by company to ensure the privacy and protection from unwanted potential threats. Generally it is assumed that iTunes platform is the only
50+ Most Used Linux Terminal Commands
In How To, Linux, Resources, Technology
Linux is a well known term for all those who are in the profession of programming and development. It is one of robust operating systems which are less vulnerable to all potential threats of cyber attacks as compare to windows. This is the main reason behind its
10 Hidden iPhone Features That Will Make You More Productive
In How To, Resources, Technology
While talking about the best smart phones of new generation, the name of iPhone series comes on the top of list. Both hardware as well as software quality of these IOS based mobiles is matchless. There is a wide range of options to choose from the software
How to Lock Down Windows User Accounts
In How To, Technology, Windows
Windows OS is dominating the market of computer operating systems since the first edition was launched. Currently all those people who use computers are well familiar regarding the usage of windows functions. It is a computer program which is capable of doing multiple activities such as writing