Linux Archive
10 Linux Markdown Editors You Should Try
In Linux, Resources, Technology
Web development is evolving to a large scale so latest tools are coming to existence that can help to simplify the task of developer. A developer needs to remain always up to date with latest techniques that enable them to work effectively. The task of development is
50+ Most Used Linux Terminal Commands
In How To, Linux, Resources, Technology
Linux is a well known term for all those who are in the profession of programming and development. It is one of robust operating systems which are less vulnerable to all potential threats of cyber attacks as compare to windows. This is the main reason behind its
How to Create a Bootable Multiboot USB for Windows and Linux
In How To, Linux, Technology, Windows
The trend of USB storage has bring a revolutionary change in the field of portable storage devices which are currently capable of carrying a huge amount of data safely. These devices have completely replaced the use of compact discs and DVDs to pen drive or flash drive.
How to Launch Your Default Apps With Simple Commands in Ubuntu
In How To, Linux, Technology
The reliability of Linux operating systems is much higher as compare to windows from many aspects whether it is about the security or system crash. That is the reason why most of the developers prefer Linux over any other OS. Ubuntu is a debian based operating system
How to Remotely Manage a Linux Server with SSH
In How To, Linux, Technology, Windows
Linux is an open source operating system which is much reliable and robust as compare to windows. This powerful OS is basically used by software applications developers which are completely free of cost. The Linux server is an upgraded variant of Linux OS which is very helpful
7 Linux Mainstream Distros Alternatives
In Linux
Linux Mainstream Distros are quite popular as they have a large number of developers working on them as well as a large number of users using them. In addition, these distros also have strong support system. People often search alternatives for Linux Mainstream Distros but often get
4 Open Source Alternative Web Browsers for Linux
In Linux, Resources, Technology
Web browsers have become quite an important application in the present time. They are not just important; in fact, they have become the necessity of life. People cannot live without internet and in order to access the internet, they need to have a Web browser. Some of
Top 6 Best CSS Editors For Ubuntu
In Linux, Resources, Technology
CSS stands for cascading style sheet. A CSS editor enables users to specify various style properties for a provided HTML element such as colors, background and fonts. CSS is the technology that we used in a website design. How your website will be look and presented to
5 Tips to Solve Linux & Unix System Hard Disk Problems
In Linux, Resources, Technology
Taking the backup is a daunting task as it may lead to lost files, folders or accidental hard disk formatting. Ever your hard disk crash or leading to poor stability term? If the backup failed because of storage full or write problem to disk then following are
Top 7 Best CAD Apps for Linux
In Business, Linux, Resources, Technology
In the era of computer technology, the design and design documentation process is done under the Computer-Aided Design technology. It becomes an integral part that moves forward in many aspects. Due to the demand of professional designing, CAD software is quite expensive for Windows, MAC or other
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