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Top 6 Live Chat Software for Websites

Live chat software are more in demand for online business. Your online business/E-commerce store needs a way to get in touch with your customer. People have accepted the idea of speaking and want to find out quick solution about their products. The Owner of every website always

5 Awesome Open Source Cloning Software

Cloning is the process of copying and paste data from hard disk to another location. Disk cloning is useful for full system backup, system recovery, rebooting and to convert a physical server to virtual. It is not possible to copy hidden files or in-use files. To over

5 Free Hosting Solutions for Small Web Projects

Whenever you heard about “free” word, you can’t help yourself even for free drinks or free t-shirts. When you are spending too much on development and designing for your website project. Then, why you are paying for web hosting. To minimise the cost of your developed website,

20 Best Websites for Designing Your Logos Online for Free

Logo is unique identification of a company/business or website. Looking for impressive logos to explore your business? Need a logo, but don’t know how to design it? Scroll down; here we listed out best websites for designing logos in your own way. Before going down, keep in

8 Linux Desktop Environment Which You May Like A Lot

Are you using old & slow PC or new high performance system? Linux is king for all users. Nowadays, Linux Desktop Environment is popular for its user-friendly interface. Unlike windows or Macs, Linux also got positive response from all kind of users.  Each Linux Desktop has its

7 Best Voice Recognition Software

Voice Recognition is a very popular concept in many sectors and hence there are many Voice Recognition tools that are used all round the globe. There have been a lot of innovations in this sector. For example the VoIP technology that is used extensively. VOIP or voice

9 Best Free Online Invoice Creator for Small Businesses

Most of the time it has been observed that companies spends a lot of time in creating invoices and sending them. There are human resources involved in the huge and hectic works. Companies also need to keep track of these data as they need them for future

9 Best Free FTP Clients for Linux

FTP or File Transfer Protocol signifies the large files that you cannot send through traditional mails. Hence this is the process that is used by users. The File transfer is a system that is in use every day. Every day we send some or other files through

9 Best Ways to Check Backlinks of a Website

With online marketing, there has been a significant demand for services like social media marketing and search engine optimization. Talking of which there has been many changes in the search engine rules but the most important thing which still has not changed in optimizing a website is

10 Craziest Gadgets To Click A Perfect Selfie

There has been an immense craze of selfies not only among teenagers and youth but among adults as well. These days, wherever people go, it is must for them to click a selfie. It is like their trip, party or any other occasion seems to be incomplete