Windows Archive
7 Free Tools To Mount ISO Image Files As Virtual Drives
In Resources, Technology, Windows
The term ‘ISO image’ is an archive folder of a visual disc. It’s a kind of disk image that collected the data stuffing from an every written segment on an optional disc. It includes an optional disc file method. An ISO image files generally have a file
7 Best File Recovery Software Programs
As we all are spending so much time with our computers or laptops or Smartphone. These systems we are used for calling purpose, playing online games, using social media sites, taking selfies or images or videos, storing official documents, using an email and many other important things.
5 Best Rescue Disks for a Windows System Restore
In Business, Resources, Technology, Windows
Every window user should aware about breakdown, malfunctions or recover/restore disk. When your system reboots itself, behaving strangely or getting error to start then it may demand for rescue disk. Rescue disks which are highly packed with repair tools to recover password or to detect damage data.
9 Tools to Monitor & Examine the Windows Registry
In Business, Resources, Technology, Windows
The window registry term is one of most popular term in operating systems. All operating systems have their own window registry. Through window registry command experts can increase the performance of their computer. But if you don’t have technical knowledge, you will definitely delete some files which
9 Best PDF & E-book Readers for Windows
In Business, Resources, Technology, Windows
Reading is a passionate hobby and billions of people are going to net for read something related to their filed. A lot of you prefer to PDF files and E-book to read. A lot of reasons are behind to prefer them. Some are stick to read from
5 Free Microsoft Online Services & Apps You Didn’t Know Existed
In Business, Resources, Technology, Windows
When you think up for Microsoft, what strikes to mind first? Expensive software or Apps? It may take little time to think something positive about Microsoft online services and apps. Microsoft’s office suite is free for iPad, iPhone and Androids. Office strategy includes Excel, PowerPoint and word.
Top 6 Open Source Disk Cloning & Imaging Software
In Business, Resources, Technology, Windows
Open source disk cloning and imaging are two different processes to copy the data of hard drive. Although they are made for same purpose but their working process is different from each other. Disk cloning creates a functional one to one copy of hard drive. On the
Top 5 Emails Clients for Linux, Mac OS and Windows Users
Email is the one of oldest method to share information and to get connected with family or friends. Email is easy and effective way to communicate with business leads. Smart mobiles and new technologies have not made e-mail obsolete; despite it has changed the way of access.
Top 10 Open Source Web Based Project Management Software
In Business, Resources, Technology, Windows
The open source term refers to the source code that can be opened and accessible for public to modify, improved and shared it version. The Open Source Web Project Management Software is ease for your small business. It allows you to modify, improve, and examine the source
5 Awesome Open Source Cloning Software
In Linux, Resources, Technology, Windows
Cloning is the process of copying and paste data from hard disk to another location. Disk cloning is useful for full system backup, system recovery, rebooting and to convert a physical server to virtual. It is not possible to copy hidden files or in-use files. To over