Tools Archive
6 Best DNS Services to Keep You Protected From Malware and Phishing Attacks
In Resources, Technology
DNS stands for Domain Name Server which keeps track of all the respective hostname and their IP address. Nowadays many of us are familiar with the concept & thought of security software’s. You can easily use the DNS every time when you surf the internet. The process
7 Alternatives For MS Office And Adobe Reader
In Business, Resources, Technology
In this high-tech field, you will find a long list of software that work like an editor but most popular software tools that can be found rarely on every system are MS office and Adobe reader. These both editors support equally file formats, styles and editing features.
Top 8 Devops Tools For Automated Infrastructure
In Resources, Technology
Devops mainly stands for development and operations which deal with services, operations and software development. It maintains collaboration, integration, and communication between information technologies operation persons and software developers. What are Devops tools? The tools which are use from development to the production surroundings for making an
Top 7 Best CAD Apps for Linux
In Business, Linux, Resources, Technology
In the era of computer technology, the design and design documentation process is done under the Computer-Aided Design technology. It becomes an integral part that moves forward in many aspects. Due to the demand of professional designing, CAD software is quite expensive for Windows, MAC or other
Top 5 YouTube Downloader Tools For Ubuntu
In Linux, Resources, Technology
Most of the people often use YouTube for entertainment, education or some other purposes. Education becomes simpler and easy to understand with so many revolutionary up-loaders. But some of the peoples have no internet access and then idea comes to our mind is to download the video
Top 5 Bit Torrent Clients for Ubuntu Users
In Linux, Resources, Technology
Bit torrent is a method of downloading. A downloading file is broken down into small files and rest parts are fetched from different servers at once. For instance, if you are trying to download a Linux.iso file, it prefers to download through torrent rather than having the
6 Best Chrome Extensions to Boost Your Productivity at Work
In Business, Resources, Technology
A lot of innovative technologies emerge to the browser for amazing productivity. More than a fourth part of web-based traffic comes out from the people who are using Google Chrome. Even we all are trying to find the next level of a productivity tool. Thousands are preferred
9 Best Linux Software of All Time
In Linux, Resources, Technology
No matter, whether you are using a personal laptop or Desktop, each user has their own choice of software/applications. Linux is one of best, task-oriented and massively used operating system with high-quality performance. Every user has own choice of applications on the basis of their preferences, habits
5 Best Rescue Disks for a Windows System Restore
In Business, Resources, Technology, Windows
Every window user should aware about breakdown, malfunctions or recover/restore disk. When your system reboots itself, behaving strangely or getting error to start then it may demand for rescue disk. Rescue disks which are highly packed with repair tools to recover password or to detect damage data.
12 Best Data Visualization Tools
In Business, Resources, Technology
Data describes the daily activities that you like to do. Data visualization interacts with the data. Visualization comes out with presentation of real life. It attracts your audience and people often get interesting. Looking for the data visualization tools to prepare killer presentation? Scroll & Read this