Linux Archive

10 Ways to Check Memory Usage in Linux

On Linux operating system there are lots of commands for almost everything. Linux offers you wealthy options to use its memory. It is really a tough job every system administrator to manage memory on Linux system in large company. Here we have listed out Top and best

5 Awesome Open Source Cloning Software

Cloning is the process of copying and paste data from hard disk to another location. Disk cloning is useful for full system backup, system recovery, rebooting and to convert a physical server to virtual. It is not possible to copy hidden files or in-use files. To over

8 Linux Desktop Environment Which You May Like A Lot

Are you using old & slow PC or new high performance system? Linux is king for all users. Nowadays, Linux Desktop Environment is popular for its user-friendly interface. Unlike windows or Macs, Linux also got positive response from all kind of users.  Each Linux Desktop has its

9 Best Free FTP Clients for Linux

FTP or File Transfer Protocol signifies the large files that you cannot send through traditional mails. Hence this is the process that is used by users. The File transfer is a system that is in use every day. Every day we send some or other files through